Wednesday, November 28, 2007
haha class chalet was fun, fruitful and funkayyy..
went there to break record of number of hours spent sleeping. sorry 4B! for taking up the space for so long and depriving some of you of sleep. ):
we had our 'last dinner' at Sakae, with most of us going on buffet except Emilee and Norine. wooh. those people can really eat yea especially TM who surprised me the most! eat so little in school but..
oh yea and we did some naughty things like playing with water bombs and water itself.. caused some lucky passer-bys to be wet as well. haha was very very fun but felt very bad after that, as water is precious..
later on in the room Kahlok was demonstrating the correct and PRO way of doing CPR. haha don't play play this guy learnt lifesaving and attained the Gold* Certificate (for swimming i think). he's gonna be a lifeguard soooon! haha okay anyway, poor Abel who just happened to enter the room, became his Dummy.. i think the girls learnt quite a lot! Emilee was enthusiastically asking him questions about the rescuework heh.
"1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and 5,
1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and 10,
1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and 15,
1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and 20,
1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and 25,
1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and 30."
thanks to those who helped in a way or another. the organisers, the 'carriers', the entertainers and the entertained. our chalet this time turned out to be much much better than last year's so kudos to 4Bidden'o7! :D
haha yup that's it for the past 3 days of my life. take care (:
something really worth living for..Labels: the 4Bidden story doesn't end just here.
8:15 PM
Thursday, November 22, 2007
haha! finally blogger likes me again. heh. okay so on the 19th, it was Gradnight. oh man, everyone looked really good then! except for me though. my eyes looked even smaller with the eyeshadow. haha okay Bena if you're reading this please keep in mind that your eyes are still smaller. HEH. okay kidding. all right, shall put some pictures up.
Mr Chia! one of my two favourite History teachers! he's just become a father (:
my favourite Geography teacher Mr Tan! he bent down like almost 90 degrees :S
KHan! another rocking member of 3:45!
Lilin! my fellow jokecreator-cum-tablemate in sec2!
my Buddddddddayyyyyyyyy! Chuanmin!
my most musically-talented and cutest junior! Zeming!
the hot junior who never fails to bring laughter! Junxiang!
haha the night ended with an Ah Long pose by CARROTS!
haha overall the performances were great, food was all right and phototaking was fruitful! hmm i kinda enjoyed myself though felt quite awkward at the beginning.
a big thanks to RV SC! thanks for your effort and the slideshow! (:
yup, that's about it.. more pictures on friendster.
take care!
last dance, last glance, last chance..
Labels: the night that we'll never forget
2:04 PM