Benjamin: yo dood, first of all thanks for coming up with the really brilliant PI, even though it was a tough nut to crack but i guess we learnt a lot more about the topic, and i gotta say we did quite a good job outta it. thanks for being the ever-so-patient group leader (even though i was sabo-ed to be the leader, i've always regarded you as the one), even though i went off-track at times you took the time to explain stuff to me. thanks also for turning up for all meetings, even if it meant that only both of us could make it. haha thanks for all the mindmaps which you love so much, they really made things seem clearer. haha it was fun making fun of how you always slept during meetings as well, albeit retribution followed after that :p
following, there were the recent Track Camp and Seniors' Farewell..
haha you know, this is supposed to spell "NJ T n F"
we were supposed to like, stand right smack in the water and unwrap a chocolate bar, eat it, then go away. Adrian and i took super long to open so we were like wet wet wet. but somehow i couldn't squeeze any water from my shirt and i stupidly said " hey, mine is wet but nothing to squeeze out one le" the next moment, Lennon dragged me into the water for 5 seconds -.- hahaha anyway, in the end everyone was drenched to the inside :p
hmm.. i'm quite lazy to put up pictures for Seniors' Farewell.. they could be found on the others' blogs and facebook so.. haha.
there was also Carrots chalet but i didn't take any pictures so yup. haha it was rather fun though, thankyou juniors for the chalet! :D
haha okaydokay, that's about all, take care!
if only..